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New Hampshire Small Business Development Center

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New Hampshire Small Business Development Center offers one-stop assistance to individuals and small businesses by providing small business owners and managers and others a wide variety of information and guidance. Small Business Development Centers are cooperative efforts of the private sector, the educational community and federal, state and local governments. A listing of branch offices throughout New Hampsire can be found at the SmallBusiness.com New Hampsire SBDC Centers Hub.


The New Hampshire Small Business Development Center helps small businesses expand operations, manage growth or launch new ventures. With offices throughout the state, its consultants help small business owners finance, market, manage and grow their companies.

Contact information

New Hampshire Small Business Development Center

  • Director: Mary Collins
  • Address: University of New Hampshire Mittemore School of Business and Economics, UNH
    110 McConnell Hall
  • City: Durham
  • State: New Hampsire
  • Zip: 03824-3593
  • Phone: 603-862-2200
  • Fax: 603-862-4876
  • Email: Mary.Collins@unh.edu
  • Website: http://www.nhsbdc.org

See also

SB local.jpg
This entry is a part of the SmallBusiness.com Local Project, a collaborative effort to collect and organize information about resources to assist small business owners and managers in every community in the U.S. (and later, internationally). Find more information about the SmallBusiness.com Local Project here.