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St. Olaf College

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The Finstad Office for Entrepreneurial Studies at St. Olaf College is a specialized university program and curriculum focused on the study of entrepreneurship and business creation.

About the program

This program is dedicated to the advancement of education, research and service in entrepreneurship within the St. Olaf Community by providing entrepreneurial grants, social innovation grants, courses,and other activities.

With the shifting economy and rapidly changing markets, entrepreneurial skills are more important than ever before. The Finstad Office works to provide the St. Olaf community with the expertise, experience, and entrepreneurial spirit they need to thrive, whether starting a new business or working within an established organization, whether for-profit or not-for-profit.



Finstad Office for Entrepreneurial Studies
St. Olaf College
Center for Experiential Learning
CEL Modular Building
1520 St. Olaf Avenue
Northfield, Minnesota 55057

Phone: 507-786-3268
Email: cel@stolaf.edu
Website: http://www.stolaf.edu/services/cel/students/Finstad.html

See also

This University Entrepreneurship Program Entry is part of the SmallBusiness.com Local Project, an open and collaborative effort to collect and organize information about doing business in U.S. states and localities (and later, other countries). Find more entrepreneurship programs at the University Entrepreneurship Programs Hub. Visit the SmallBusiness.com Local Project entry to learn more about the project