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Social advertising

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Social advertising has been around for years, contrary to this new definition given by Zuckerberg. It's about applying marketing and advertising principles to promote health and social issues and bringing about positive behavior change [1]. It's what nonprofits and organizations like the Drug Free Partnership for America and the Center for Disease Control have been engaging in for years.

Social Advertising represents ad formats that engage the social context of the user viewing the ad. Whereas in traditional, non-social, advertising the ad is targeted based on what it knows about the individual person or the individual page, in social advertising the ad is targeted based on what it knows about the individual user's social network.

Social Advertising is the first form of advertising that systematically leverages historically "offline" dynamics, such as peer-pressure, friend recommendations, and other forms of social influence.

recently, is not the only one around. In fact, social ads as the following: “Social actions are powerful because they act as trusted referrals and reinforce the fact that people influence people,” said Zuckerberg. “It’s no longer just about messages that are broadcast out by companies, but increasingly about information that is shared between friends. So we set out to use these social actions to build a new kind of ad system.”

The fact that advertisers are looking to reach out to many social networks at once means that they often look to Ad Networks to deliver ads across these networks through custom applications.

Some other definitions are contextual advertising, or interactive ads.

The key factor that enables Social Ads are independent applications within social networks - now when open known as open social networks or open social platforms.


  1. Farlex. "Social Advertising." The Free Dictionary. Computer Desktop Encyclopedia, 2009. Web. 28 Sept. 2009.