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Professional open-source

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Template:One source Professional open-source is an open source software business model where an open source software vendor generates revenue from paid professional services, maintenance and support provided along with the software. Some open source software vendors also provide commercial licenses of open source software or customer specific versions of open source software to customers [1].


As open-source software began to become popular in the 1990s with the introduction of Linux, there was a growing stigma that such a package could not be trusted as stable or supported. As a consequence, larger businesses would often choose commercially distributed software over a product that was released under an open-source license. However, there has been the growth in the number of professional open-source companies - made popular by companies like Liferay, Inc., OpenSearchServer Red Hat, MySQL AB, and JBoss. The business model of these companies tries "to offer open-source software with a free license, while using professional services, maintenance and support for these products to derive revenue."[2]

See also


  1. Template:Cite article
  2. Montalbano, Elizabeth (February 16, 2006). "OSBC: Professional open source grows up". InfoWorld. http://www.infoworld.com/article/06/02/16/75483_HNosbcprofessional_1.html. 

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