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National Federation of Independent Business

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The National Federation of Independent Business, (NFIB) is a national organization in the U.S. consisting of independently owned (not-publicly-traded) manufacturers, retailers, farmers, professional service providers and other small business trades and professions.


NFIB's mission is to promote and protect the right of its members to own, operate and grow their businesses.


NFIB members are typically small business owners. The dues are variable depending on the size of the company. According to NFIB's website, "NFIB's national membership spans the spectrum of business operations, ranging from one-person cottage enterprises to firms with hundreds of employees. While there is no standard definition of a 'small business,' the typical NFIB member employs five people and reports gross sales of about $350,000 a year. The NFIB membership is a reflection of American small business."


  • NFIB
1201 F. Street, NW, Suite 200
Washington, DC 20004
1-800-552-6342 or (202) 554-9000

See also

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