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Milwaukee, Wisconsin

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Milwaukee is the largest city within the state of Wisconsin and 22nd-largest in the United States. The city is the county seat of Milwaukee County, located on the southwestern shore of Lake Michigan, and is about 90 miles (145 kilometers) north of Chicago. As of the 2004 U.S. Census estimate, Milwaukee had a population of 583,624. The city is the main cultural and economic center of the Milwaukee metropolitan area with a population of 1.7 million.

Milwaukee is known as "The City of Festivals" for its great number of ethnic and musical festivals, the largest of which is Summerfest. It has also been called "the nation's watering hole," having more bars per capita than any other large city in the country. Milwaukee residents are known as Milwaukeeans. Milwaukeeans often comment that Milwaukee feels like "a big small town."

The local economy

Although most people associate Milwaukee with beer, today companies like Miller Brewing employ less than one percent of the city's workers. Milwaukee's reputation as a blue collar town is more accurate, however, with 22 percent of the workforce involved in manufacturing, second only to San Jose, California and far higher than the national average of 16.5%. Service and managerial jobs are the fastest growing segments of the Milwaukee economy, and healthcare makes up 27% of all service jobs in the city.

Milwaukee is headquarters to six Fortune 1000 manufacturers and six Fortune 1000 service companies. Among these are Briggs & Stratton, Harley-Davidson, Johnson Controls, Manpower Inc., Marshall & Ilsley, Northwestern Mutual, Rockwell Automation, Roundy's Supermarkets, Metavante, Kohl's, and Wisconsin Energy. The Milwaukee area ranked number five in the nation when measuring the number of Fortune 500 companies as a share of the population, just behind the number four Minneapolis-St. Paul region. Milwaukee also has a large number of financial service firms, particularly those specializing in mutual funds and transaction processing systems, and a disproportionate number of publishing and printing companies, including Quad/Graphics. Milwaukee is also the headquarters of the Koss Corporation and Master Lock.

Source - Wikipedia: Milwaukee, Wisconsin

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