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Help:How to register on the SmallBusiness.com WIKI

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This how-to is related to using the SmallBusiness.com WIKI. For more help related to using the SmallBusiness.com WIKI, visit the SmallBusiness.com WIKI Help Hub. For How-tos related to running a small business, visit the SmallBusiness.com WIKI How to Hub.

You are welcomed to browse and read SmallBusiness.com without registering or logging in. However, if you would like create or edit an entry, or to use several features related to email alerts and tracking pages, you must do both. It's easy to register on the SmallBusiness.com WIKI: In fact, you are just five easy clicks away.

1. Click on Create account at the top of any page.

1. Click on the create account link at the top, right of any page.

2. Click on Create account on the log-in page.

2. On the log-in page, click on Create an account.

3. Type in a Username, password and email address and click "Create account".

3. Fill in all fields and click Create account button.

4. Check your email for a confirmation message.

4. You will get this "log-in successful" screen and will receive a confirmation email to click-through to complete your registration.

5. Click on the confirmation link.

5. Click the confirmation link on your email and you'll be completely registered.
Note: You don't need to confirm to use the site, but you will need it to have access to certain user features.


See also