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Front office

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Template:Associations/Office types

The term, front office is used in business settings and may refer to the Sales and Marketing divisions of a company. It may also refer to any other divisions in a company that interact with their customers. The term front office is in contrast to the back office operations, which include departments such as personnel, accounting, payroll and financial reporting which do not interact directly with customers.


In information technology, it may refer to an integrated CRM software program.

In financial services companies, it may refer to the offices of investment management, corporate finance or sales teams.

In professional sports, it often refers to the management office of the team, conference or league.

In service design the term is used to indicate the place and time of the interaction between customers and service provider. The study and management of a front office requires an adequate time plan to regulate the interaction between actors, an adequate process of experience design and interaction design.

At hotels, front office refers to the front desk or reception area or the core operations department for the hotel. This would include the reception and front desk, as well as reservations, sales & marketing, housekeeping and concierge. [1]

In terms of aviation, the front office is the flight deck of the aircraft.

See also


  1. [CSS Hotel Systemshttp://www.csshotelsystems.com/frontoffice.htm Hotel]

External links

Service design wiki
