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Advertising management

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Advertising management is a career path in the advertising industry. Advertising & promotions managers may work for an agency, a PR firm, a media outlet, or may be hired directly by a company to develop branding for the company's product or service. This position can include supervising employees, acting as a liaison between multiple agencies working on a project, or creating and implementing promotional campaigns.[1].

Regarding terminology, while advertising is the promotional campaign itself, advertising management can address the whole process - the function of marketing starting from market research continuing through advertising, leading to actual sales or achievement of objective, potentially including evaluation of the entire cost-benefits to the company involved.

Advertising management incorporates various specialised sub-functions like media strategy, message strategy, media planning, media buying etc.

While advertising management is an inseparable part of the marketing department, usually, the marketing department of an organisation is concerned more with market research and evaluation of results. All the critical processes of advertising management are generally outsourced to specialised advertising agencies. For example the media buying is done in bulk by these ad agencies on which they receive discount / commission, that goes into their earning. It involves designing the strategies to be adopted for influencing the public ie media selection and deciding on the aspect to be advertised based on the image of the company and the present marketing objective.


  1. "Advertising & Promotions Manager Careers: Employment & Salary Trends for Aspiring Advertising & Promotion Managers". CollegeDegreeReport.com. http://www.collegedegreereport.com/articles/advertising-promotions-manager-careers-employment-salary-trends-aspiring-advertising-promot. 

Template:Ad-stubAdvertising presents the most persuasive possible selling message to the right prospects for the product or service at the lowest possible cost.