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SmallBusiness.com: The free small business resource
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Business software are the applications that run on computers (referred to as "hardware") that help a business increase productivity by organizing, automating, measuring or simplifying a wide array of information-oriented tasks, functions and activities.

Types of business software

Desktop application vs. Software as a Service

Business software is available primarily in two ways.

  • Desktop application: A company can purchase software and run it on a Personal Computer (PC) or Macintosh (Mac). This is often called "boxed software" if it is purchased on a disc and loaded onto the computer via disc drive. Desktop applications can also be available free and can be downloaded from online software retailer or directly from the developer of the application.
  • Software as a Service or SaaS: Small Businesses (and large) are now utilizing a model of software usage in which the software is operated on computers owned and controlled by another company, but that can be accessed via an internet browser or smart phone app. This model of software usage is also called "Cloud computing." The advantage to the business is the typically lower price of licensing usage of the software rather than purchasing both the software and computer hardware necessary to run it independently. The disadvantage of the the SaaS approach is the need to depend on and trust an outsource provider with mission-critical and sensitive data and information.

See also

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